Saturday, May 16, 2009

Recent Kirksville History

Just to catch you up on things:

It has occurred to me that Kirksville keeps getting stranger and stranger. If anything, the town's notoriety has varied, but we've made it into the national headlines within the past year for the following:

On Wednesday, a tornado swept through the Northern part of Kville, destroying a car dealership and more than 30 homes. Even, Bill O'reily covered the story on Friday night.

On Sat. May 9th- Students protested John Ashcroft's commencement speech at Truman State University's graduation ceremony. He also received an honorary degree from TSU. Who wants their campus associated with that Constitution-stomping son-of-a-bitch?

In early March, Kville made headlines because of the anti-gay remarks of city councilman, Aaron Rodgerson. He "wouldn't rent to a homosexual." And cast the single vote against a city-wide ant-discrimination policy.

And in the pretty shady murder case- former Adair Country Jail Administrator, Jackie Gleason was not charged in the shooting of her on-again, off-again boyfriend Rogelio Johnson. This case was the first test of a new Missouri law, known as the Castle Doctrine.

Then, last summer, the area made its original appearance on the Weather Channel due to severe flooding.


Hopefully the area will make in big again for the massive wind-power operations that are planned within these next couple of years.

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